Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blissful Swoon...

I have yet to grow tired of this lovely pattern, Swoon.  I've seen some beautiful fabric combinations for this block.  Here's my latest swoon done with some Bliss fabric that I had in my ever depleting stash.  I have 3 more blocks all cut and ready to go.  Now I just need the time...

I made a few swoon blocks last can see them here, here and here!

Thanks for popping by today...have a great day!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Popular Placemats...

I have made enough placemats in the past few months to set a table for the masses!  I have enjoyed creating different colour combos in these and recently completed a custom order for these black, grey and white placemats with a matching runner.  I think they have a fun, contemporary look to them. This order was for a set of six.  If you're looking for the name and source of these patterns go HERE to read about it in a previous post!

Monday, February 13, 2012

A Special Gift...

If you read my previous post then you'll know that my Grandmother recently passed away.  My mom and her siblings met at Grandma's apartment to sort through her things and pack them up.  Each child was given a turn to pick something that was meaningful to them.  My mom used her turn to pick Grandma's remaining China.  Mom gifted me this China as a way I could remember my tea parties with my Gram.  Although I don't remember drinking tea from this particular China, it is such a special gift to me.  Thank you Mom.  My girls and I will enjoy special tea parties with Nana's China!  This particular China is made by Royal Albert, and the pattern is called 'Brigadoon'.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Goodbye Grams...

Ack, I've been avoiding my blog.  Knowing that I wanted to write about the loss of my dear, sweet Grandma, and yet not feeling adequate enough to put it into words.  So, I'll keep it simple.  This was a tough one for me.  My last grandparent, and the grandparent I was the closest to.  My mom's mother, Ethel, was a wonderful woman.  I have such fond memories of growing up with her and Grandpa in the house next door to us.  I remember those summer days where her screen door was open and I could smell her pies baking and hear her whistling as she worked.  I remember her visiting with me while she hung her wash on the line.  I remember having tea with her all the time.  My Grandma always seemed to be happy.  Always singing, whistling, dancing a jig.  By far I will remember her most for her generosity.  My Grandma gave, and gave again.  She modeled to me what it is to truly serve someone.  She was a wonderful 'Nana' to my children.  My kids never left her home empty handed!  Grandma would have been 90 in May....a long, and wonderful life.  Grieving has been easier knowing that she is now singing, whistling and dancing a jig with her Saviour.  Grandma's faith was rock-like. So solid.  I will miss her dearly, but she has provided me with a lifetime of wonderful memories.  Goodbye, for now, Grandma.

Here are a few pictures from Grandma's memorial service...

Thank You to family and friends for the beautiful flowers!

Mom and Uncle Larry singing, Pastor Roger paying tribute, and cousin Anthony reading the many notes of love from family and friends...

A Special table full of Grandma's favourite things....

The kiddos....

We'd like to thank all of our friends for their generous expressions of love and encouragement through phone calls, emails, texts, flowers, cards, food etc.  We are very touched by your love!