Monday, February 22, 2010

Olympic Fever ...

Yesterday was such an exciting and great day! We live only 1 hour away from Vancouver where the 2010 Winter (and I use the term 'Winter' lightly) Olympics are in full swing! We made plans with friends, loaded up the car and away we went. It only took us 45 minutes to get into downtown Vancouver (this is unheard of on a regular day in Vancouver). We found all day parking in a parkade downtown for $6 and we were on our way! Upon the advice of friends, we chose 1 pavilion to focus on and then spent the rest of the day taking in the sights. We chose to go to the BC pavilion. It was located in the Vancouver Art Gallery and was a great experience! There were 4 floors of unique and interesting things to see, including an interactive floor where the kids got to see the latest in 4D movie and touch screen interactive technology. I was amazed at how organized the events were, and how friendly and informative all the staff and volunteers around Vancouver were. We walked down to the waterfront to see the outdoor cauldron, then up to Robson Square to take in the hub of the party. We watched lots of local street talent, watched hockey on the outdoor CTV televisions, and saw the Olympic mascots do an ice show on the outdoor ice rink. The weather was gorgeous! It's hard to believe it's still technically winter here. As you can see in the pictures the cherry trees are in full blossom! The kids traded in coins at the Royal Canadian Mint to get Olympic issued currency. The kids did great and we made some great memories! Go Canada Go!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Our girls are so proud of their daddy! Being a farmer, Rob doesn't get too many days off. Yes, sometimes during the year his days are more laid back than others, but for the most part he works a lot. He does technically get a day off here and there during the month, but he usually ends up having to head over to the farm to fix a problem or just check on the birds. He sleeps better if he knows his 'chicks' are happy! Well, today Rob headed over to the girls' school in lieu of one of those precious days off. Our school is so family focused. All you have to do to feel like you're a part of the school is to volunteer every once in a while. Our families raised the money for a beautiful new addition to the playground. The school decided to ask the families to do the work to save on cost, so in true barn-raising fashion, they organized a one day construction date to get this playground up and ready! It's really great to see that if everyone works together something that would normally take a long time and a lot of money can be done so quickly and efficiently! Livi is in grade 4 at King Traditional, and Abby is registered for kindergarten starting in Sept. The weather was phenomenal ( 16 (C)+ degrees under blue skies) and there was plenty of help. Rob was at the school from 8:30 until almost 6pm. The kids and I popped in during the afternoon to see the progress and visit a little. There were trucks and trailers, a cement mixer, a bobcat, and lots and lots of hard working daddies! I sent Rob along with a bucket of cookies and muffins to share, and there was a bbq and pizza for all the workers. It must have been tough for all these guys to give up their weekend (many plan to go back on Sunday to finish). The weather is so beautiful and the Olympics are in full swing here, but these dedicated parents took time to do this for our children. Like Rob said, all his kids will benefit from this playground so he didn't mind helping out. Most importantly, our kids were shown just one more way how much their daddy loves them!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

This Week's Block

This week I had major catch up to do on this quilt. Each Tuesday I would get the majority of a block done during the day. Once school pick up comes then things got put on hold until the evenings once the kids were in bed. I'd usually sit down and catch myself up so I was ready to start a new block the following week. At some point over the weekend I'd try to do the prep for the upcoming block. Well, that didn't happen for the last week or two, everything got put aside and didn't get picked back up. I don't mind, my family has to come first, but I think I got myself caught up today. I managed to finish up a few blocks that weren't completed, fused on all my flowers and tree trunks, AND completed my block. It helps that I bathed the kids earlier today, and all the kids were tired tonight and happened to cooperate at bed time, and that hubby had a business meeting and I had a quiet, peaceful house. That rarely happens! Technically I should be one more block ahead, but hey, I'm cuttin' myself some slack! Here's a few pics....

This block is fairly straight forward. The blocks are called Friendship Stars. Each block uses 13 pieces for a grand total of 39 pieces in this completed block.

This block is the 'Shops Block'. Each shop in this block will get a sign appliqued to it. The 3 names of the shops are: Dry Goods, Antiques, and Grocery. This completed block has a grand total of 50 pieces.

Here it is! This is the progress so far! I can't believe how it's coming together. It is truly a labour of love. I think I'm safe in saying that approx. 3/4 of the top of the quilt is done. I think that for the first time ever I will look into having this professionally quilted by my friend Rhonda.
Thanks for checkin' in!

Monday, February 15, 2010

'Singles Awareness Day?'

Valentines is always a fun celebration around here. We get kick out of Rob's brother who likes to call it 'Singles Awareness Day'! In our house its a celebration of all kinds of love. We have a few traditions here for Valentines, as I'm sure many of you do. I like to decorate the house a little, and the girls and I always bake sugar cookies together, although this year we didn't get it done until late Saturday afternoon. Friday Abby had her preschool class over for a Valentine's Day Party...the kids had a blast decorating their own cookies and just playing together. It was a good opportunity to get to know some of the moms better. Rob started a tradition when Olivia was a baby of giving her a gift just from Daddy on Valentines Day. I think this is so sweet, and now he does the same for Abby and Isaac. He always brings them some type of goodies, a card and always a special Valentines balloon. This year Isaac got in on the fun and received a balloon too! I was the lucky recipient of some beautiful red roses and a lovely card from my sweetie. The kids' grandparents came last night and brought another load of Valentines goodness. It was a low key, but fun weekend of celebration.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Olympic History...

and we're a part of it! Yesterday evening the Olympic Torch came through our city of Abbotsford, British Columbia. The torch is nearly home to Vancouver where it will start the 2010 Winter Olympics! Abbotsford is about 1 hour east of Vancouver. Last night we all dressed in our patriotic reds and whites and bundled up the crew to head down to the stadium. We met up with friends and headed to the festivities. I heard today that there were approx. 20,000 people there with us! There was some great entertainment and lots of community spirit as we awaited the torch. The torch came through right around 7pm and it was so amazing to see!

I'm not the most patriotic person, but neither am I the least! I was saddened to hear so many negative comments from people about how much money this is costing and how it could be better used. I agree to a certain extent. I think that the Olympics have become so much more about'things' other than the actual Olympics. It seems as though obscene amounts of money are spent on things that I really question the 'need' for. BUT, is this something I can change? Not really. I question people who so quickly jump on the soapbox about big issues like these. Anybody can complain about money being wasted these days..but are they choosing to live a lifestyle that reflects this in their own small world? Is staying home and watching the superbowl in lieu of supporting the Olympics really making a difference in the world? I don't think so. (Don't get me wrong...there's nothing wrong with watching the superbowl ) Rob and I chose to see it as an opportunity, first and foremost, to spend quality time as a family, teaching our kids about appreciation of sport, community spirit, and history. What a great experience for us all. Sure, traffic was a nightmare, there were grouchy people to be found, but shining over all, was spirit for our country! Okay, now I'll get off MY soapbox! There are so many things of this world that can get us down and discouraged. So many issues and problems that are beyond our control, but God clearly tells us in the Bible that these times are upon us. My outlook needs to reflect my faith in a God who is bigger than all of this. A God that gives peace to those who seek Him. A God that calls us to support our country.
I won't be at any Olympic Events (can't afford em') I won't be glued to the T.V. watching em' (don't have cable) But I will choose to have fun and enjoy all the community and country spirit! Go Team Canada!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Cinnamon Pull-Aparts

A friend was coming over one morning last week and I wanted to try out a new recipe. I found this one for Cinnamon Pull-Aparts. I've seen it done in crockpots before, and this one calls for a bundt pan, but I broke the rules and did it in my 9x13 stoneware dish. Here's the recipe:

20 Frozen Dough Buns
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 tbsp cinnamon
7 1/2 tbsp Vanilla pudding powder (not instant) - I just used a 6 serving size box
1/2 cup raisins
1/3 cup chopped pecans
1/3 cup hard margarine
2 tbsp golden syrup

Arrange frozen buns in greased 12 cup bundt pan

Mix brown sugar, cinnamon, pudding powder, raisins and pecans. Sprinkle over frozen buns.

Heat and stir marg and syrup together in small saucepan until melted. Drizzle over sugar mixture on buns. Cover with wet tea towel. Let stand on counter for 7-8 hours or overnight, until doubled in size.
Bake in 350 oven for about 25 minutes (mine took longer) Let stand for 5 minutes, turn out onto plate.

They're gooey but they're good!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cookie Monster...

Doesn't this picture just melt your heart? It sure melted mine. Little man is adorable (almost) all the time, but this was the sweetest thing. Isaac was so excited to see cookies, or as he calls them "KooooKeees" baking in the oven. He kept turning around and smiling and saying it over and over again. He's starting to talk so much now! I'm not use to it and it means we're moving on to a new stage again....please don't grow up in a hurry little the meantime, I'll bake you lots of 'koookeees'.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

For All You Poker Fans....

What's so weird about this you ask? belonged to a truck like this....

I know, I know...gotta be sinkin' to an all time low when you start bloggin' about the septic clean-out event. But hey, just another 'bonus' of livin' in the country! I mean think about that statement....yes, a flush definitely DOES beat a (backed up) full house!
I had to laugh when I saw this...I mean, you've GOTTA have a sense of humor to do this job! The guy was super nice, and chatted it up with hubby for a long us tips for an optimum running septic tank...eeewww. Anyhow, hope I made ya smile:)