Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas Open House 2008

Well, one down, one to go....we had a wonderful, successful open house here this past weekend. I am so greatful to my friends and family for all their support in so many ways. Here's a few pics to show in the a slideshow above so you get just a little taste of what went on here...enjoy!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

Music has been playing, little lights are twinkling, stockings are hanging....its that time of year! I've been crazy busy preparing for the open house this weekend at my home. I'm on the home stretch now and will be pulling a few late nights to get it all done....but, it'll get done! There's lists of grandiose plans of things I wanted to get done, but my time is limited, family is a priority so what I have will have to do! Kim and I have been preparing for months now and hope to provide a warm, welcoming Christmas experience for all those coming. Last year we had visitors in the hundreds and this year we are anticipating nothing less! The open house begins at my house this Friday from 12-9pm and Saturday 9-5pm....and continues the following weekend at Kims place with the same hours. You'd think we'd be a little sparse for visitors being a little out of town but we get a lot of traffic heading this way to visit a few other attractions out here like Glenda's Christmas Cottage and Tanglebank Farms. I've posted just a few things for a sneak peak of what we'll be offering, many you've seen already in the making on older can head on over to Kim's blog for a better idea as she's the 'bee behind busy bee':) Kim and I have done this for a 'few' years now and appreciate the support of so many regulars! Everyone has been inquiring about the aprons.....yikes, apparently I should have made dozens...but alas there are only 5. Try not to notice the jam on my 3 yr olds face...i was desperate for a model other than myself...very desperate!!! I will be happy to take orders on them after the open houses, and in the new year I plan on starting childrens aprons. The ones I've made here are size large and fit an average size 12 -14. Well, time is of the essence so away I go...looking forward to seeing many of you and thanking you for your interest in 'what we do'. Blessings to you today!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mama's Got Mail!

Woo hoo... I got 'fun' mail bills, no junk mail, just a yellow padded envelope that I'd been waiting for! A couple of months ago I joined an online Christmas Ornnament swap that was hosted by JoAnne. We each committed to making a handmade Christmas ornament that we would then send to a certain someone...everything had to be a secret..... The ornaments had to be in the mail by Nov 1. We each emailed a picture to JoAnne so she could post them on her blog and we could guess which one might be coming our way....well, funny enough the very one I had my eye on arrived in my mailbox today!!! So, a big thank you to Kris for her lovely handmade ornaments, and a big thanks to JoAnne for all her work in coordinating the swap! I LOVE them, and they suit my house perfectly! I love that she took the time to check out my blog and picked up on the fact that I am a plaid junkie! Thanks Kris for your thoughtfulness and hard work.....I am so excited to have these new ornaments for my tree this year...well, ok, one of my trees this year! This weekend I'll be putting up some of the Christmas decor in preparation for my Christmas open house the following weekend (see sidebar).....stop in if you're in the area! Bye for now! Sorry for the bad quality flash won't work...time for new batteries I guess:)